Design a website from scratch or via WordPress?

Which is better !!
Design a website from scratch or via WordPress?

I have often heard this question, and I will answer it quickly and briefly

When we talk about designing a website from scratch, we control every detail,
Which helps us achieve our vision with complete accuracy.
We start from interface design and user experience,
We control the smallest details of layout, colors and patterns.
This type of design allows us the freedom of creativity and innovation, and the ability to develop, but it requires more time and effort, and therefore greater costs.

On the other hand, there are platforms like WordPress that offer a faster and easier design experience.
WordPress has a collection of templates and components
Ready-made tools that make it easier to create a professional-looking website in a faster time and with less effort.
But on the other hand, innovation, development potential, and control over details may be limited.
It is an excellent choice for individuals, businesses, small companies, and startups to save time, effort, and money.

So which is better and why?
The answer depends on your needs and goals.
If you have enough time and resources, designing a website from scratch gives you complete control and innovation. On the other hand, if you want to launch a fast and simple website, WordPress may be the perfect choice.

In general, website design from scratch is suitable for large projects with complex details.
While WordPress is considered an easy and fast solution for small, personal and startup projects.

And what do you prefer? Do you think that designing a website from scratch or using WordPress is better?
Share your opinions with me in the comments!!

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